
draw in是什么意思翻译_draw in的音标怎么读

draw in

(火车、汽车)进站, 到达, 吸引


The fisher drew in the net and found a big goldfish in it.


It's stupid trying to draw in customer with prize and gift!


1. 吸引

This film is drawing in large crowds every night.


2. 变短

Days are drawing in now.


3. 到达

The train was drawing in.


draw in

(火车、汽车)进站, 到达, 吸引


The fisher drew in the net and found a big goldfish in it.


It's stupid trying to draw in customer with prize and gift!


1. 吸引

This film is drawing in large crowds every night.


2. 变短

Days are drawing in now.


3. 到达

The train was drawing in.


draw in



suck   draw indraw in
1.翻译:拉入, 抽入(某物)The fishermen drew in their nets full of fish.渔夫们拉回了装满鱼的渔网。
2.翻译:吸引His lecture yesterday drew in a large crowd.昨天他的演讲吸引了大批观众。
3.翻译:(火车或汽车)到站, 徐徐停下The train drew in and all the passengers got off.火车到站了, 所有的乘客都下了车。
4.翻译:移到路边The bus drew in and let the cars pass.公共汽车开到路边让小汽车过去。The broken bus was drawn in.这辆坏了的公共汽车被移到了路边。
5.翻译:(天)变黑Close the curtains, the evening is drawing in.拉上窗帘, 天就要黑了。
6.翻译:(白昼)缩短The days begin to draw in after the summer solstice.夏至之后白天开始变短。
7.翻译:收(债)Next year the bank will draw in some of the money it has lent.明年银行将把一部分贷款收回来。
8.翻译:在(花钱)上节省, 节省开支I'm getting short of money. I have to draw in my expenditure.我缺钱, 得节省开支。

draw in
1.翻译:吸进,吸入(空气等);缩入;拉进,拉回(渔网等):to draw in a deep breath深深地吸一口气to draw in the nets full of fish拉回装满鱼的渔网
2.翻译:(天)渐黑,渐近黄昏:Hours passed and the evening is drawing in.好几个小时过去了,快接近黄昏了。
3.翻译:(白昼)渐短:The autumn evenings are drawing in.秋天的黄昏逐渐变短。In autumn the days begin to draw in.到了秋天,白天开始渐渐短起来。
4.翻译:缩短,缩小:The overcoat has to be drawn in to fit him.这件大衣得改小些才合他的身。
5.翻译:吸引;诱使加入,诱使…参加(或进入);诱骗;引诱:The film drew in large crowds.这部影片吸引了大批观众。The other players were drawn in.其他运动员也被说服参加。
6.翻译:紧缩(开支),减少(费用等),节(支);收款,变得更谨慎:We must drawn in a bit;we're spending too much.我们必须紧缩一点,我们花费太多了。
7.翻译:收回(欠款):to draw in all of the money the bank has lent收回银行的全部贷款
8.翻译:(火车等)进站,到达:The train drew in.火车徐徐进站。
9.翻译:(汽车)到达;开到路边停止;(汽车)靠边行驶:The car drew in to let the buses pass.这辆轿车靠边行驶,让几辆公共汽车过去。

见:draw: draw in

draw in

动词 draw in:

pull inward or towards a center


direct toward itself or oneself by means of some psychological power or physical attributes

同义词:attract, pull, pull in, draw

shape one's body into a curl

同义词:curl up, curl

advance or converge on

同义词:close in

move into (a station) of trains

同义词:pull in, get in, move in

draw in as if by suction

同义词:suck in